Getting Started Guide

Last updated December 2024

Step 1: Sign Up to Boardwalk

Step 2: New Activation Email

  • Wait for the Activation email before attempting to login.
  • If you don’t get the email, reach out to your Boardwalk rep.

Step 3: Sign In

  • Activated users can login to the Boardwalk Portal by visiting:
  • The login page will allow active users to sign in using Google or by using their Email Address.
  • Select your preferred method and click continue in order to access the portal.

** Please note: Clicking the signup hyperlink is only meant for users who would like to activate a new company account. In the event you would like to add new users to your account, you may do so within the portal. **

Adding Users

Step 4: Choose a Domain and Set up a Landing Page

  1. Purchase a domain through your preferred provider or use a domain you already own.
  2. Setup your website / landing page with header, footer, and space for the Boardwalk code.
  3. Copy and Paste your Boardwalk Flow’s embed code to your site to go live.

Step 5: Plan your Site Flow

  • Determine what kind of site you want to run.
  • Are you focusing on a simple offer wall, surveys, or do you want a more complex flow that captures forms. Consider finding example flows to guide your setup.

Step 6: Select your Vertical

  • Decide which verticals to target (insurance, government grants, debt, finances, home services, etc.). Start broad to measure audience preferences, then narrow down based on data.

Step 7: Find Offers

  • A lot of offers integrate well with Boardwalk. We can support TCPA, affiliate network offers, surveys, lead gen flows , and more.
  • If you need specific examples or recommendations for types of offers that work best in your vertical, feel free to reach out, we can share insights and help.
  • We recommend having a minimum of 5 to 20 offers.

Step 8: Import your Offers to Boardwalk

  • Just navigate to the Offers menu located in the header bar and follow the steps to add, import or update your offers with ease.
  • We provide an Excel template to fill REQUIRED INFO: Offer Name, short description, Offer URL, Payout type, Payout Amount.
  • You can build your offer’s creatives by adding your header language, body text and button texts in the same Excel sheet.

Step 9: Postbacks and Pixels

  • Let us know what kind of tracking platform and pixels you would like to implement.
  • Optimization focuses on engagement by default, unless we get the revenue data through postback. Ask us what your unique Boardwalk PostBack Tracking Key is.

*Please note, although optional to get started,  postbacks are helpful for revenue optimization.

Schedule a Working Call with our Team

  • Boardwalk Services Team is here to  assist you in building your first flow.
  • Just go through the steps above in order to get you started as fast as possible.

Contact Information HERE